Mission statement
(Find our original mission statement in German here)
About us and our goals
The Maximilianeum is sponsored by the Josef-Verein which belongs to the Catholic Liebfrauen church. This connection obligates us to put humans in the middle. It is our primary mission to offer affordable housing to young adults during their education. Housing that not only offers a well-balanced price ratio but also space for shared living, friendships and the freedom of personal development.
We are an open-minded house without restrictions to culture, religion or gender. In order to keep harmony all residents and employees are asked for a respectful and tolerant tone.
We offer young adults and teenagers not only accommodation but a home to live. If problems (e.g., about education or personal relationships) occur our house offers a support system and a place to talk. Friendships are encouraged and couples tolerated.
Studying and learning requires a calm and mindful environment. Other activities in the house will respect this as the education stands in the centre. This rule especially applies during exams. Our infrastructure is up to date to support studying.
Ecology, Wellbeing
We respect and care for the environment, on a daily basis as well as in other projects, e.g., reconstructions of our buildings. We encourage a resourceful and healthy lifestyle. Whenever possible, our resources are recycled. At Max 12 we offer a healthy and well-balanced diet. Residents with health conditions (e.g. allergies) are asked to inform the administration first.
For over 130 young adults living together rules are essential. The house rules, written by the administrators, is handed to each resident upon arrival. Periodic talks ensure that these rules are followed and also offers a chance to discuss occurring questions in order to find solutions. The administration is available for any requiries.
Self-Awareness and -responsibility should be learned and are especially necessary in our housing with shared kitchens. Respectful behaviour towards our international staff is absolutely mandatory.
The Maximilianeum was founded over a 100 years ago in order “to protect the male youth in Zürich”. That mission statement was updated in summer 2010 with the help of many residents, employees and the administration. This mission statement has been approved by the Josefverein on the 5th April 2011.